Tattoos of Mandy Monroe, Her Biography and Belle Tattoo

Mandy Monroe is a 23 year old babe who loves animals more than she loves human beings! She is an activist against animal cruelty and bullying; posting petitions and awareness videos on her page. Even though she stands a mere 5’1” tall, she has been protecting kids who were bullied in school since grade one! She has always had a big heart. Mandy gets her exotic looks from being a mix of Russian and Chinese. This Taurus has an extreme phobia of bugs; just reading the word makes her queezy. She hopes that one day she will become a household name, just like her idol Marilyn Monroe. When all is said and done Mandy is just trying to make a difference in the world; showing that beauty comes in all shapes and sizes!  

Tattoos of Mandy Monroe, Her Biography and Belle Tattoo

Tattoos of Mandy Monroe, Her Biography and Belle Tattoo
Tattoos designs and styles of celebrities and tattoos fashion trends